If you’re looking for a unique idea, you have found it! I’ve heard it referred to as yoni steaming, vaginal steaming, and bajos. I first learned about it from a wonderful woman certified in the Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy. I was hooked! I had the massage technique done—I describe it as a massage in all the places they avoid in a typical massage: abdomen and glutes. These areas need massage too and the latter is my favorite place to have worked on (I know I’m not alone)!
Besides being utterly relaxing, the massage technique and bajos are complementary to each other. I did not think I had prodromal “issues” with my cycle, but I was surprised by how much stress the massage and bajos relieved from my body.
I have done the bajos ritual by sitting on a shower stool & slatted chair. However, this option is the most comfortable à mon avis (and conserves space). Vibrant Souls also offers the herbs in a ready to go pack, or you can create your own blend (especially helpful for allergies/sensitivities). I have not found this option anywhere else!
My girlfriends were more than willing to jump in. We sat in our skirts, sipped some tea in the candlelight, and enjoyed each others company. We all slept well that evening...as I always do after bajos-ing.
There are a few contraindications you can find on the website, so be sure to be aware of those before partaking & let your girlfriends know too!

Gentlemen-- don’t feel left out! Contact your local Mayan Abdominal Therapist to find out about options for you (like herbal soaks, how relaxing)! Also, a lot of practitioners do complimentary community talks if you're interested!
For more information, check out these books:
Rainforest Home Remedies (by Rosita Arvigo)
Rainforest Remedies (by Rosita Arvigo)
Ending Female Pain (by Ms. Isa Herrera)