When I started to feel a tickle in my throat, I found myself immediately experimenting in my kitchen. I have been drinking this 1-3x/day, but it is before 9am and I'm on my second cup already today...so that number might go up! I am hyper conscious of my immune system and when I get any symptoms, I throw in everything I can. I thought I'd share the best tasting, heart calming, soul warming drink I've ever concocted. Seriously, you can ask all my family and friends about the super shakes I've made them when they were feeling under the weather. I bet they wish I'd found this sooner!
How I make it:
4-5 slices of organic ginger root, about 1/4 inch thick (personally, I leave the skin on!)*
1/2 tbsp. Apple cider vinegar
2 pinches Icelandic Flake Salt
raw honey to taste (code: GETSATIATED to save)
I use a stainless steel straw to protect my enamel. I also use it to muddle up the ginger--it brings out so much flavor!
*I just found out about OMICA Organics Ginger Juice (freeze dried powder) and it is en route. I cannot wait to try it as a substitute!
Cheers to staying healthy and #getsatiated!