All photos by McManus Media; I made it look like an extreme sport! Haha!
I was never a fan of winter sports and skiing always scared me for some reason. I'm not great at roller skating, roller blading, or ice skating (so weird even though I was a gymnast and used to do flips on the balance beam!). A few years ago I thought I'd try cross country skiing, so my aunt took me...but it was a no go. I mean, I tried, but it was not fun for me!
Then, I found out about snowshoeing! My hubby got them for me for Christmas I think two years ago--but I never had a chance to try 'em out. All the snow storms were during the week or we were traveling when we got a good weekend snow.
Here's me striking a pose, just being weird!

But today, I did it! I layered up (if you watched my insta stories, you got a play by play of my stylish layers! Haha!) I'm always cold so I tend to go overboard with layers:
*I keep my clothes forever, so links aren't necessarily exactly what I wore.

The snowshoes make some pretty cool footprints!

Anyways, figuring out how to put on the snowshoes was pretty intuitive. And, I saw they're made in Wisconsin which is cool!

I had a blast walking and trying to run in the deepest snow drifts I could find! My hubby took some great action shots.

Afterwards, my legs felt so light without having the shoes attached! I think it was a great workout and can't wait to see how I feel tomorrow! Oh, and I stayed plenty warm!

Have you ever gone snowshoeing before?
Oh, be sure to check out my post snow shoeing drink here!
Share with me, and as always, #GetSatiated.