*Affiliate links & codes are used throughout this post; please see disclaimer at footer and thank you for your support. This is only my personal experience I am sharing.
I burn myself in the kitchen more regularly than I'd like to share - But at the end of July I had a day where I burnt myself twice - and the one time it was pretty intense. I was making a quiche for my hubby and when I reached into the still-on oven, my forearm hit the top rack. I have no idea how this happened as I wasn't in a hurry, and I WAS being careful. But I wish I was wearing oven mitts versus just a hot pad covering my palm because it would have protected my arm (I know this because I experimented in a cool oven afterwards to see if it would have made a difference...and it did haha). So, my first lesson I learned from the experience is that I should only wear oven mitts from now on.

The burn was so bad, my husband said it looked like I had a grill mark and complemented me on my maillard reaction haha!
Initially, I did the usual stuff after a burn - lavender eo and aloe. It took the sting away, but it stayed brown - almost black, for a lot longer than I ever thought it would. About two weeks later, I learned my second lesson from this experience: I found out that I could use colostrum topically. Both as a face mask and for burns. By this time, the black had turned pure white - as you can see in this video clip before I did the burn mask on my arm.
The next pic is about 45 minutes after the mColostrum arm mask - I left it on for about that long and wiped it off with a warm washcloth.

Can you see all of that color that was brought to the surface? Before that it was stark white - even with being out in the sunshine several hours a week! It's like it brought my circulation back to the surface! This is 13 days after the initial burn, and it seemed to kickstart the rest of the healing process from there.
You know how once you experience something and your body starts healing because of its amazing innateness and then you forget about it? Well, that's what happened. Here's a picture 35 days after the initial burn.

Can you see where the burn was? I hardly can - I have to look really hard and I can see the slightest discoloration. But, no scarring and I think the minimal color difference will disappear completely soon.
I know our bodies are amazing, but to see how this worked was just awesome! Mind you, this was after only one colostrum mask on the burn. I am sure I'll do another one...but wow! I am so happy at how the epithelial growth factors in the colostrum really did their thing! Keep in mind, not all colostrum is created equal. The kind I use is "grass fed, low temperature dried, undenatured, non-irradiated and single origin harvested."* It also has the "highest fat & protein content of any colostrum, making it the most nutrient dense in the world"*. See more about what makes this brand of colostrum stand out among the others.
Here's how I made the colostrum mask:
- 2tbsp mColostrum
- 1tsp filtered water
Mix and it should be a spreadable consistency. Add more colostrum or water to get the right consistency (as needed).
I had extra so I also put some on my face and an old scar. I'll do a whole post sharing more about that, but it was the only facemask that didn't make my skin feel like it was uncomfortably drying out/tightening.
Is colostrum going to be in your first aid kit now, too?! Use code: SB10 to save on all Crucial Four products. I have shared about them here and here also. As always, #GetSatiated.
*from company website