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Atlanta, Georgia Visit: Fall 2023

The Satiated Blonde

Updated: Dec 14, 2024

*Affiliate links & codes are used throughout this post; please see disclaimer at footer and thank you for your support.

Magnolia tree seeds

My husband wanted to go to a film event in Atlanta. My best friend lives there, so he was able to do his film stuff and I was able to visit and get in some quality time with my bff. Her husband also got a new hobby that weekend, too (as he joined the weekend of film events with my hubby)! Oh, those beautiful bright red seeds are from a magnolia tree - which is one of my favorites! I had to take a picture because I've never seen this stage before...have you?

I've shared a lot about my traveling essentials (and how they have evolved over time), but airplane travel is different - I'll be taking another flight soon so I should write a post specific to my flying essentials, I guess! Unable to bring a lot of my staples, I brought what I could with me! This includes my favorite nasal spray (affiliate code: SATIATEDBLONDE). I like to have it on hand all the time, but especially after breathing that stagnant airplane air! Sinus Defense 2.0 which I like for sinus pressure (this is NOT medical advice or a claim - my page is for entertainment, only!). And of course, CitriDrops Dietary Supplement. It eases my gut when needed for traveling (I drop it in water) and I use it topically for any bug bites (there's lots of mosquitos there). I have an EMF protective bag (see pic below) I put all homeopathics in when I travel and side note: but I don't go through their machines either and ask for a pat down...I think that How I Fly post is definitely needed!

airplane travel bag

Pictured: EMF travel bag with CitriDrops Dietary Supplement, a travel mouthwash, and Sovereign Salve. I'm going to be sharing more about these products in the following posts:

At one of the local health food stores, I picked up some sauerkraut to get in some of that good fermented-ness.

Raw milk has become a daily staple. We were able to find some on our trip designated as for animals...I'll leave it at that! I also used JI protein packets (affiliate code: SATIATEDBLONDE) in milk and my travel coffee which is so convenient (affiliate code: SATIATEDBLONDE). Read more about the protein flavors here.

My hubby made his version of delicious General Tso's Chicken for all of us! You can read more about that here.

We took a lot of walks but also enjoyed time chatting in the sun (our favorite thing to do together)!

sitting outside

We worshipped together, listened to the kids play music, and I like to play sing-a-long, haha!

We also got some good snuggle time, played games, and I got my hair combed almost everyday - often accompanied by a bow.

And of course, a family trip to Costco! I missed her climbing up to reach the sour cream (haha). I have some other fun pics (and video) from our adventure here, but I'm not allowed to share that (lol!). It's always fun to see what's at familiar stores in different locations - from clothes to coffee to containers, you never know what's going to be there!


If you're interested in my Costco adventures, check out these posts:

...With many more in queue!


And moments before we were supposed to leave to go to the airport, we decided to extend my trip! I stayed about an extra week - which means we had to do some laundry! Makes me look forward to having a clothesline! Unfortunately, my hubby's normally scheduled flight was completely cancelled with no support from the airline, but gratefully, our friends helped him get home!

Hope you enjoyed this quick recap of our Georgia vacation and writing this makes me want to go back now! Want to know where I'm traveling next?! Catch me in my stories and tell me where you're traveling to in the comments.


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