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Can Castor Oil And Pearl Powder Really Optimize Eye Health And Beauty?

The Satiated Blonde

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castor/pearl tube and castor oil tube

If you've been here for a bit, you know I like a good optimal health DIY. I saw @brinicolemartin share about how she's working on her eye health and makes a homemade eye paste and has decreased her eye glass prescription, and one day I was like, I have those ingredients, I want to try that! And if you don't know, I've been using castor oil packs for decades!

She makes a paste using castor oil and pearl powder. I did order these tubes to put the pearl/castor oil mix in to have an applicator vs. putting on with my fingers since castor oil is so sticky!

How I did it:

  • Approximately 4 scoops (each scoop was 1/8tsp) or 1/2 tsp of mBalance into the tube (affiliate code: SATIATEDBLONDE)

  • Filled the tube up the rest of the way with castor oil

I gave it a good shake, but as you can see, a lot of the pearl settled at the bottom. So, when I do it again, I'll layer it and put in some castor oil first, then pearl, then more castor oil. Over time, it has been slowly seeping in so I'm not concerned and when I put it around my eyes, it's white so I think it's good!

tubes with my mixes

The tubes I picked came in a pack of three - one with the lip gloss type applicator that I use for the castor oil/pearl mix and two with mascara wands, although they are both different. In one of the tubes I put just plain castor oil in there to put on my lashes and it gives a nice shine without causing my eyes to be irritated or leaving black marks around my eyes. If you're curious about my mascara review, check out this post.

It's worth noting that the pipettes and mini funnels that came with the tubes are not the easiest to use with the castor oil. If I was using something less viscous, it would have been much easier. It turned out the pipette was better for the castor oil and the funnel was better for the pearl powder, but I had to tap it in a little at a time. Next time, I'll go a little slower but also make sure I have a paper towel down on the counter so it's not as sticky to clean up. Of course, this cleaner (diluted) made it much easier to clean up (affiliate code: SATIATEDBLONDE)!

So, can this combo optimize eye health? I don't wear glasses so I don't have something like that to compare it to and I need to be consistent with it for a few months before I have a better idea. But, Bri has noticed a difference and I think it's pretty cool and easy to do!

If you want to keep up with other things I'm experimenting with, be sure to follow me on my stories.



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