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Persimmon Muffins

The Satiated Blonde

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

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I remember a few years back I was gifted a bag of dried fruit. I had never heard of it before so I was curious to try it. Upon the first bite, I was in love! How had I never tasted this fruit called persimmon before?! I have been able to find it dried here and there, but fresh ones are more challenging. A few weeks ago I struck gold on Etsy & was able to get a couple pounds of fresh persimmons (and some exotic citrus). So I decided to make jam, muffins, and a cake (which I made by repurposing this same muffin recipe). Now, I can't be the only one who ends up with a freezer full of black bananas after the summer, so I was looking for a way to use them and I found this recipe for banana bread with a twist. Oh, and I peel my bananas before I freeze them in these bags, it makes it so much easier!

You don't need much fruit for a single batch, so I went ahead and made two batches, one for the muffins and one for the cake. Here's how I made it, step by step:

  1. 4 frozen bananas (I pulled them out of the freezer a night or two before I made this recipe)

  2. 6-7 fresh, ripe fuyu persimmons

  3. I cleaned the persimmons, cut off the top & scooped out the seeds in the middle

  4. Put both the persimmons and bananas in blender and blend until desired consistency (I like mine a little chunky and since the persimmons are so vibrant, it adds some nice flecks of color to the muffins)

  5. Everything below is what you need for the single batch recipe (so you will have approx 1.5-2 cups of banana/persimmon mash left over

  6. 1/3 cup melted butter poured on top of 1.5-2 cups banana/persimmon fruit mash (I like mine a little more moist, so I add more fruit)

  7. 1/2 tsp baking soda

  8. 1 pinch mSalt (affiliate code: SB10)

  9. 3/4 cup panela sugar

  10. 1 egg (I love using duck eggs)

  11. 2 tsp of my homemade vanilla extract

  12. 1.5 cup 00 flour

  13. 1/4 cup sourdough discard (this is optional, but I am always looking for things to add it in)

  14. Optional: a dash or two (or three) of allspice (the one I linked is the bestttt)!

  15. Mix everything together fully & pour into muffin tins. I like to coat mine with this coconut oil first & they pop right out!

  16. My oven cooks really fast, so I baked them at 350 for 22 minutes.

You should have 2 cups fruit mash left over. Repeat steps 6-15 to make another batch of muffins, or use some awesome cookware (Affiliate code: SATIATEDBLONDE) to make a cake like I did (this baked in about 37 minutes, but keep an eye on it).

They came out delightful. Enjoy! And as always, #GetSatiated.



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